7 Times a Woman
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, written about 2,500 years ago, is considered a foundational text for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Yellow Emperor set the focus of medicine on prevention of disease and increasing vitality. A central theme of the Yellow Emperor is that in order to increase health, we must understand natural cycles and how to work with them.
There are daily, monthly, and seasonal cycles that affect us. Additionally women have 7, 7 year hormonal cycles.
The Practical Reference Guide on Women's Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine
7 Times a Woman; Ancient Wisdom on Health & Beauty for Every Stage of Your Life is the product of a 20 year personal and clinical journey in understanding and balancing women's cycles. It began with Dr. Andrews' personal health challenges which led her to become an acupuncturist and open her own clinic where she has helped many women heal from hormonal imbalances. 7 Times a Woman is a reference book for women's health, covering daily, monthly, yearly, and 7 year cycle care to increase beauty and vitality. It educates women on the topics of conception, childhood, menstruation, postpartum, menopause, detoxification, rejuvenation, Daoist sexual cultivation, Inner Alchemy, and senior care. 7 Times a Woman includes over 50 meditations, qigong exercises, and practices and over 70 recipes and herbal formulas women can use to transform themselves.
For Lay Women:
7 Times a Woman will show you how to look and feel your best at every age:
- Stay juicy and vital after menopause>
- Keep your figure and your mind after childbirth
- Learn ancient Daoist meditation, sexual alchemy, and beauty secrets
- >Use safe detox and weight loss strategies
For Acupuncturists:
7 Times a Woman gives you herbal formulas, point prescriptions, diet plans, and strategies for common female maladies so you can:
- Alleviate PMS, menstrual cramps, and yeast infections
- Heal postpartum weight gain, low libido, and depression>
- Quickly treat hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, and other menopausal symptoms
- And much more
“Judith and Lia changed my life” Kathy